Garlic & Honey


3 in stock

SKU: 10655 Category:


Garlic honey may seem like odd ingredients to put together but combining them results in an impressive immune-boosting substance that will keep your body healthy and strong.

Not only is garlic the perfect choice for adding flavor to a savory recipe, it provides a long list of health benefits thanks to its powerful antioxidant properties. Garlic contains a compound known as allicin, which has been shown to help lower cholesterol levels, prevent blood clotting, and has been shown to have anti-cancer properties and anti-microbial affects.

Garlic is low in calories, but high in nutrients, containing Manganese, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, selenium and fiber. It’s a natural immune system booster that helps the body fight infection. One study has shown that a daily dose of garlic honey reduced the number of colds by 63%, while reducing the average length of cold symptoms by 70%.


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Garlic & Honey


3 in stock